Valbonne Vélo Social Club

Valbonne - Agay - Valbonne

(60km, D+1000m)

Adam Payne

A VVSC favourite, this ride has everything! Starting from Valbonne Village we head towards the coast in the direction of Mandelieu via Moans Sartoux and Pegomas. Once on the coast road there is only one direction – head towards Saint Tropez! For me slightly reminiscent of Cape Town, the coast road takes in some of the most stunning scenery the Cote d’Azur has to offer. The ride passes through many popular beach spots and lunching spots, such as La Napoule, Theole-sur-mer and Miramar and Plage de la Figuirette.

There is something uniquely special about cycling along a coast road wherever you are in the World. The Azur Mediterranean stretches out towards Africa to your left, creating an uplifting and energising atmosphere that only the sea can create. The sights sounds and smells of the coast creates a unique vibe, something very different to what we experience on in land rides, and we are so lucky to be able to access the coast so easily from our base in Valbonne.

After roughly 45km we arrive at Plage d’Agay and stop for a coffee – overlooking the stunning crescent shaped bay – it has been known for VVSC members to have a quick swim here! After a break we climb up 200m into the Parc National and turn back on ourselves. The views just get better and better from this short elevated section before dropping back down to the coast road to start the return leg.

The ride is a straight ‘out and back’ so coming back using the same road from Agay back to the Cannes area. After around 70km we start to climb back up to Valbonne from La Napoule. The final 20km passes back through Pegomas, Mouans Sartoux and Plascassier before arriving back at Valbonne Village.

This is a breath-taking ride of around 90km with just over 1,000m of climbing, and includes a hugely varied amount of scenery. This ride certainly confirms how lucky we are to be able to ride in this part of the World!

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