Valbonne Vélo Social Club

The Bison Run

(42km, D+600m)

Matt Frost

Starting and finishing  in the pretty hill-top village of Greolieres, the Bison Run counts as one of my favourite rides in the department.

Most of the hard work is in the initial D2 road winding up from the village with views over to the rival village of Cipieres via the James Bond  scenic route up to the plaines of Thourenc.  As the route flattens out and we ease ourselves out of the granny gears, we pass the  turning to Greolieres-les neiges and at around kilometer 10 get ready to come face to face with the herd of bison to be found in the Thourenc Bison Sactuary.  

Depending on the time of year, the bison herd can number from between a few grizzled individuals to up to 50 or more dotted around  in family groups.

It's a toss-up as to who is most surprised by this meeting of species: the bison or the rookie riders. There are also ancient breeds of horses to admire with their big heads and stumpy torsos;a description that could equally well fit many of the riders in our groupetto.

The next 10k I liken to little Switzerland as we speed on a more or less gentle descent past undulating fields of long-horn cows and in the spring-time, flocks of sheep and lambs.

At the half-way mark,  just before Valderoure there is a short sharp climb onto the D80 : four hairpin turns later you reach the peak of the Col Bas (1200m) for another welcomephoto opportunity: 

 Then it’s a 7k flat run on the D79 to Andon past an array of Swiss-like chalets to Le Chichoun for a hot chocolate or demi-pression. 

The final 12k down-hill section is for the speed-merchants. On numerous occasions I have completed the whole section without encountering a single  motorised vehicle in either direction, while experiencing the warming thermal drafts and spotting the odd speliologist or two emerging from the roadside looking  like abandoned troglydites.

With a glance up to the initial winding climb to the left, and the view of Cipieres to the right, there is a short rise back to the car park (La faisse) for a final Strava check and a welcome beer inthe bar at the entrance to the village.

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